Saturday, March 14, 2020

Bimmah sinkhole, Dhow Shipyard and Green Turtles

We went to visit the Bimmah sinkhole today. Swimming was fun. The tiny fish nibbled on your feet, taking away old skin.

Wadis are canyons. We went to a couple today.

We visited the Dhow shipyard in the town of Sur.
Dhow is the generic name of a number of traditional sailing vessels with one or more masts with settee or sometimes lateen sails, used in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region.

The highlight of our day was going to the turtle sanctuary in Ras El Jinz where green turtles lay their eggs. Since it isn't turtle laying season we didn't expect to see any turtles but saw two large turtles without various flippers. We didn't see any egg laying but saw a couple of young ones going into the water.

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A baby turtle going to the water.